Imo women protest abduction of Catholic bishop, demand release


Imo women protest abduction of Catholic bishop, demand release

By Ekene Agbor, Osogbo

Kidnapped Auxiliary bishop of Imo
Kidnapped Auxiliary bishop of Imo

Hundreds of Imo women under the umbrella of Catholic Women Organisation of Nigeria (CWO) have staged a peaceful demonstration to demand for the immediate release of the Auxiliary bishop of the Catholic Arch-Diocese of Owerri, Most Rev Moses Chikwe.

The bishop was kidnapped on December 27, 2020 by yet to be apprehended abductors.

Bishop Moses was kidnapped in the night alongside his driver at the World Bank area of Owerri, the Imo state capital.

The apparently sad women, adorned in their uniform carried a banner bearing inscription such as: “Please, Release our Bishop.”

Protesting women of Imo
Protesting women of Imo

Some of the protesters also displayed placards with varying inscriptions like”Jesus Weeps, Enough of this Kidnapping and Killing,” among others.

The women also held series of prayers during the demonstration as some were sighted saying their rosaries silently.

Recall that the Catholic Church has called for prayers for the safe release of the bishop.

Bishop Chikwe was born on June 26, 1946, to the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Obinna of Emekuku, Owerri, Imo State.

Protesting women of Imo
Protesting women of Imo

On the 17th October 2019, his Holiness Pope Francis appointed him the Auxiliary Bishop of Owerri Archdiocese, assigning him the Titular see of Flumenzer.


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