Two injured as Osun public school students clash over girlfriend

Two injured as Osun public school students clash over girlfriend


By Timothy Agbor, Osogbo


Some male students of two public schools in Osun State on Wednesday engaged themselves in a free-for-all over girlfriend.

Some of the male students from Osogbo Grammar School were said to have accused their counterparts at the Government Technical College, Osogbo, which is a stone throw to their school, of snatching a girlfriend to one of them.


The clash had started on Monday when some of the affected make students of Osogbo Grammar stormed Technical College premises to warn the boys to stop seeing the female student of Osogbo Grammar School.


 It was gathered that the students of Technical College rebuffed the warnings. On Tuesday, the matter got worse as the male students clashed after closing hour.


Students clash
Technical College, Osogbo

No fewer than three secondary students were arrested on Tuesday by members of Hunters Group of Nigeria for their involvement in the clashe while one said to have been hospitalised at the Osun State University Teaching Hospital, Osogbo.

Two of the arrested students are from Osogbo Technical College, while one is from Osogbo Grammar School. They were said to have been arrested around Old Garage, Osogbo on Tuesday.


It was gathered that some students of Technical College had stormed Osogbo Grammar to retaliate on Tuesday evening. Not giving up, students of Technical College on Wednesday, attacked some students and injured two boys. But for the quick inteevenevtiion of Amotekun corps, operatives of State Security Service and Police, the clash would have assumed a dangerous dimension.


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The heavily security operatives restored nolmacy to the area. The management of Osogbo Grammar had asked the students to vacate the school premises when the renewed clash started around 12:40pm on Wednesday.

Some of the students who spoke with our correspodent explained that Technical College only has about ten female students while their neighbor school, ‘OshoGram’ has many girls.

After calm had been restored to the duo schools, some of the students were assembled at the Technical College and their Principal, a senior Police officer and teachers were addressing them on the need to shun violence and face their studies.


Students clash
Security operatives at the Technical College premises while students were being addressed

“At your age, you don’t need boyfriend. Your studies and future should be your priorities,” one of the teachers was heard telling the students when NEWS BOOM visited the school on Wednesday afternoon.

When approached after talking to the students, the Principal of the Government Technical College denied further comments after telling our correspondent that “normalcy has returned to the school. As a civil servant, I am not permitted to grant press interview.”



Meanwhile, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Education, Mr Jamiu Olawumi confirmed the arrest of the students.


He had explained that, “any student that behaves in a manner inimical to the peace of the society, school or his fellow students would face the law of the state. So, people who were using dangerous weapons on themselves, three of them have been arrested and will be charged to court.

“If they are minors, they will face juvenile court and if they are adults, they will face regular court and will be dealt with, accordingly. We will not tolerate nonsense from anybody. We will not condone indiscipline in our schools.

“They have been arrested by the police, the CP is on top of the situation and I am assuring you, they will face the consequences,” he stated.

The Police Public Relations Officer, Mrs Yemisi Opalola said she was making effort to confirm what really transpired.


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